Phone: 063-202-9222
Mon-Fri: 09.00 – 18.00
Solar Systems
Solar Rooftop, Solar Carpark

The amount of sunlight that strikes the earth's surface in an hour and a half is enough to handle the entire world's energy consumption for a full year. Solar technologies convert sunlight into electrical energy either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. This energy can be used to generate electricity or be stored in batteries or thermal storage.

Our Process
Step One:
We collaborated with you to design and deliver a system that meets your utility usage and needs, providing project proposal with an optimal design.
Step Two:
Investment Consultant
Recommended leasing company with a special interest rate.
Step Three:
Licensing Process
We supported to prepare and apply a document to government agency such as BOI, IEAT, ERC, DEDE and PEA or MEA.
Step Four:
We have all construction disciplines in-house. Our Construction staff works closely with our Project Management and Engineering teams to ensure complete and unfettered compliance with all project permits and technical requirements.
Step Five:
Operations and Maintenance
With our AP. Solar experts, your perfect energy system is in control and maintain regularly. Free of charge monitoring system.
How It Works?!

- Solar PV modules are installed and positioned on the roof of buildings to get maximum solar radiation.
- The energy hitting the modules is converted into Direct Current (DC) electricity.
- The DC electricity flows through cables into inverters. These inverters convert DC electricity into Alternating Current (AC) which is the same type to power the buildings.
- The AC electricity is then used throughout the facility and can in some cases be exported back to the grid.

Why Us!

Best in class engineering quality delivered consistently across Thailand.
Our experience in engineering design, our focus in component selection down to every detail enable us to deliver outstanding quality across industries

Design System by Experience Consultant
Various range of solutions
Guarantee Efficiency and Performance
Frequently asked questions!
We analyze your (12-months) electricity consumption data and design the optimum system to maximize your savings.
The system itself is 18 kg/m2 while we strongly recommend to allocate another 5 kg/m2 for engineering work
There is no time lag between switching either system. The system is always connected to the grid.
Save Money, Save The Environment!
Providing Value To Our ClientsThrough Ongoing Product & Innovation.

Our Solar business now provides the preferred channel to market for some of the world’s leading PV manufacturers and our solar professionals work jointly with partners on enhancing product features, lowering lead times and improving cash flow.

Environmental Sensitivity
Personalised Solutions
Performance Measures
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